Capitani a wide range of individual-serving coffee machines

Capitani a wide range of individual-serving coffee machines

There  is  a  place  in  the  province  of Como where made in Italy style meets functionality. A place where the Re­ search & Development function focus­es and bases its work on the demand of a market that is becoming more and more attentive to people’s needs.

Where a forge of new ideas, thanks to the constant effort of the owners and all the employees, creates high quality, performing  and  innovative  products that fully meet the demands of the end users, keeping at the same time a simple and reliable usability, to guarantee peace of mind to retailers and distribu­tors. All this and much more is Capitani.

Capitani offers a wide range of individ­ual­serving coffee machines, both for domestic and professional use. Coffee machines conceived for everyone: from smaller models with a captivating de­ sign to the more complex ones with tea and cappuccino accessories ­ catering for all tastes ­, to unmistakeable profes­sional machines that combine durability, reliability and elegance.

To meet the needs of those users that are becoming more attentive to sustain­ ability and the environment, in addition to the infuser ranges for compostable capsules, Capitani has also recently re­ launched a range for paper pods.

Another important activity of the com­pany is the production of cleaning and sanitizing machines for both domestic and industrial use. In  light  of  the  current  world  situation, we all know how imperative a more hy­gienic environment has become. Cap­itani offers a wide range of machines that meet this important need by ex­ploiting the power of steam and ozone. Handy vacuum cleaners that also work as steamers, new sanitizing accessories and new machines.

Other challenges await us while looking at the future, driven by customer satis­faction and the peace of mind of re­tailers and distributors as our main focal points.

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