Retailer Brands lead the sustainable Relaunch in Italy and in Europe Retailers and Manufacturers in action

Retailer Brands lead the sustainable Relaunch in Italy and in Europe 
Retailers and Manufacturers in action

5 March 10:30 – 13:00 

Organized by MARCA by BolognaFiere and ADM – Italian Retailers Association in cooperation with IRi and IPLC – the Retailer Brand Specialists 

Live streaming Conference. 

Simultaneous translation available.

Moderator: Paolo Palomba. Partner IPLC Italia

  • 10.30 a.m.:  Welcome and Introduction

           Antonio Bruzzone, General Manager, BolognaFiere

           Marco Pedroni, President, ADM

  • 10.45 a.m.Presentation of the XVII MARCA SURVEY 

           The 2020 Market of Retail Brand Products, Focus on Sustainability

           Gianmaria Marzoli, Retail Solutions Vice President IRi 

           Q & A Session with the public 

  • 11.40 a.m.The race towards Sustainable Private Label 

           Main evidence of the research carried out among retailers in Europe by IPLC 

           Koen de Jong, Managing Partner IPLC

  • 11.55 a.m.Cases on the sustainability of the Retailer Brand

           Malene Teller Blume, Quality and Social Compliance Manager COOP Denmark 

  • 12.20 p.m.The drive towards sustainability in UK Food Retail 

           One Step ahead on Sustainability and Competition

            Richard Harrow, WRAP/Courtauld 2025 Steering Group Member 

           Paul Stainton, Partner UK IPLC (former Aldi UK Group Buying Director)

  • 12.45. p.m : Q & A Session with the public
  • 12.55 p.m.:   Conclusions

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