Live clubs, in Italy and elsewhere, are among the activities most affected by the pandemic emergency that plagued the world between 2020 and 2021.
As we are writing, in Italy venues like the Lumiere are still forced to admit only 50% of the spectators they could accommodate. Not only that. What’s more, this 50% must remain seated for the entire duration of the shows.
This situation, which follows a long period of forced and complete closure, has brought many Italian clubs to their knees, along with the entire industry that revolves around them, and forced those who have managed to survive to invent new forms of entertainment.
The Lumiere has managed to overcome this very serious crisis, and it is now preparing to reopen its doors for a season that hopefully will be characterized by a rapid return to normality. To do this, it has first of all appealed to the community around it, creating a large amount of multimedia content published on its website and social channels.
The Lumiere, in fact, is not only a live club and a place where you can physically go and listen to you favorite artists but, also and above all, an idea of community, a network of contacts and skills that take shape every time in a different way.

In the moments in which aggregation has been completely suspended and human contacts have been reduced to the minimum by necessity, the club has asked its staff, the artists and the various subjects close to Lumière to make their skills and talents available, to make the people who frequent Lumière feel less lonely and that within this space find
first of all the desire to be together, to live experiences, to recognize themselves in each other and in art. A form of entertainment born of necessity.
The result of this experiment, which can still be seen on the club’s website, was a vast and heterogeneous mix of different contents: barlady teaching how to make cocktails; sound engineers teaching how to tie knots; and DJ sets in streaming, concerts, theatrical sketches, piano performances.
Within this unusual experiment, the presence of the structure’s network of sponsors was not lacking, as they received free visibility to support activities that had been put in difficulty by the pandemic emergency. The club’s sponsor had a central role in the Lumiere’s renaissance. In fact, there are several companies from all over Italy that have decided to bet on the restart of the Lumiere and its ability to be a cultural and social catalyst.
Some companies in the area, such as GM Insurance or Studio Cavallini & Partners, have confirmed their confidence in the structure for the second consecutive year. Others, such as Autofficina Morganti, have decided in a difficult moment like the present one to support an activity of their territory.
There were also companies from all over Italy, such as Vastarredo, Hotel Boutique Miramare, RCM, Tribe Communication Group. GIEMME, Colapicchioni, which regardless of their product sector have believed in the role of culture for the post-pandemic restart.
With some companies, finally, the club has established a relationship that goes beyond the simple sponsorship: as long as the product sector made it possible, in fact, the advertising agreement has been added to a material presence within the club, where you can find, for example, the wine products of excellent companies from all over Italy, such as Tenuta dei Placidi, Scriani, Pirani, Santadì, Azienda Agraria Santa Lucia, Triacca, Giorgio Meletti, Tenuta Due Castelli.
Having concluded the hardest phase of the pandemic, characterized by the total closure of the club as a physical entity, the Lumiere now opens its doors physically, with a season, organized in collaboration with The Thing Association, recognized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage.