“Looking ahead in 2022, the trend builds on the innovations already introduced in 2019 and goes beyond…” “Hotels are becoming more accessible and informal, often offering the idea of hybrid spaces, introducing “All Day Dining”, revolutionizing breakfast, setting up comfortable hybrid areas that encourage relaxation and therefore extend the stay of those who use them.”
Hotel layouts and retail concept stores are becoming increasingly fluid. They tend to create versatile multi-faceted spaces that can transform and offer innovative high-quality services, encouraging customer autonomy while replacing static with dynamic. In hotels, “hybrid spaces” lead from the restaurant to the bar, and to self-service areas and lounges for business meetings. In its ten years of opening up to the international market.

Criocabin has anticipated and embraced this change, which is now also taking place n Italy, both in the retail world and in the hotel and catering industry. There is a growing need for further integration of Hospitality facilities with workplaces, with equally flexible schedules.
We have been assisting all kinds of companies abroad in order to create corners where hotel guests can interact for business or socialize at informal gatherings at all times, providing combined solutions for hot and refrigerated food, or low temperature solutions for desserts and ice cream.
Everything is constantly changing, just like the world in which we live: The Lobby Alive concept envisages the lobby and reception area as a place of gathering and activity open to everyone, where hotel guests can meet up with non-guests.
The lobby becomes a vibrant place; outdoor spaces are animated even in seasons that were not previously considered due to weather constraints; digital technologies and a Dark Kitchen for All Day Dining will make it possible to offer hospitality throughout the day. Criocabin develops concepts at the forefront of the changes that various international companies require.