We are especially excited to participate at the upcoming HOST 2023 as we will present an extraordinary product: an innovative and patented technology called WATERMAKER.

WaterMaker extracts water from the moisture in the air. The water thus produced-through a patented system-is filtered and added with mineral salts and made the water not only DRINKABLE but also of EXCELLENT QUALITY.

This extraordinary product makes it possible to come to the rescue of the drought-related emergency of recent years, both in agriculture and in communities where water tables are gradually drying up, and it is unnecessary to emphasize the wide-ranging social and economic impact of the use of WaterMaker.
In addition to its many alternatives uses, this technology is extremely suitable for making excellent coffee. Indeed, it often happens that the coffee used is excellent but the poor quality of the water alters the flavor.
The water generated by WaterMaker can be used in occasional outlets, for all coffee machines (pods, capsules and ground coffee) where there is a lack of quality running water. It is also perfect where storage and supply of bottles and flasks is difficult or where, due to temperature changes, there is a risk of deterioration of the quality of bottled water (bars, beach clubs, street outlets, fairs, sporting events and outdoor events).
The smallest product in the range allows 16 liters/day, while the next format guarantees the production of 40 liters/day. It will be possible to taste the water or coffee made with it directly at our booth (HALL 22 – PLACE E67) and for the more curious it will be possible to make comparative “experiments“ between bottled water and self-produced water.
Another important new development this year is the opening of our new e-commerce site (www. rcapack.com), where in addition to the possibility of purchasing the range of our neutral bags directly, it is possible to customize small quantities (even as few as 100 bags) very quickly.

For more than 30 years our mission has been to provide companies with packaging of high quality and reliability, careful in design and competitively priced. In recent years our energies have also been focused on minimizing lead times. In addition to providing a service, we have an ambitious desire to be considered a partner and not just a supplier.
On top of materials expertise, we combine in-house and free technical and graphic consulting services. We are the magnifying glass that allows the Entrepreneur to see the potential of their product from the outside helping them to communicate through image its full potential.