Think:water stands for performance and environmental respect: filters and reverse osmosis100% Made in Italy Think:water, an Italian company, has been producing water treatment systems since 2005, offering innovative solutions for different markets. From reverse osmosis systems to carbon and selective resin filters, it is a reliable partner capable of meeting the diverse needs of its...
The perfect mix for commercial kitchens
Smaky Mixers are a family of heavy-duty mixers that offer the perfect mix of value, performance, and reliability. With powerful custom-built motors, gear-driven transmissions, rugged construction, and dependable operation, Smaky Mixers are built to last and will provide years of reliable performance at a fraction of the cost of competitive mixers. Smaky Mixers are built...
The art of quality
The company Acetificio Scaligero is located in Veronella, in the lower Veronese area. Acetificio Scaligero was born in 1973 in an artisanal form thanks to the initiative and will of the late and unforgettable founder Enzo Ranghiero. The total area that the plant currently covers is about 3000 square meters of which over 1500 square...
Buscema Gastronomia: Professionalism, quality
BUSCEMA GASTRONOMIA SRL has been active since 1987 and has a plant located in Crotone, a town in Southern Italy, precisely in the region of Calabria. The plant is located on an area of 13000 m2 of which 4000 m2 are covered and it is equipped with advanced systems and technologies in order to guarantee...
ILCO: ovine meat processing industry
Ilco Srl is a European historical leader company of ovine meat processing, packing and marketing. This top quality lambs and muttons company sit in Acquapendente, on the edge of the Tuscan region is owned by Piero Camilli. Ilco specialities are carefully selected, certified and monitored, in fact it boasts a large Italian and foreign market....
Fiorentini Firenze presents the new line of “Climate Friendly” products
From 2020 Fiorentini Firenze S.p.A is on the market with three new products of the “Climate Friendly” family: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 100% Italian, the flagship of the company’s production, not only accompanied by a specific certificate of traceability for each bottle, but “capable of respecting the environment” with a zero climate impact thanks to...