IoTicontrollo is a company specialized in the creation of equipment for the world of IoT (Internet of Things) and create custom solutions starting from the idea to arrive at the complete supply of the product or propose a solution aimed at connecting objects or machines for data collection. We develop both electronic and mechanical hardware, firmware and software.
We produce all products in-house. We specialize in the development of devices in wireless technology, especially in the one called LPWAN (low-power wide-area network). The peculiarity of this technology is to allow the connection between objects with equipment with low consumption, with battery life of over 10 years.
The massive coverage of the territory and the penetration even in environments difficult to reach with other technologies (for example GSM) makes it excellent for connecting telemetry devices.

IOTICONTROLLO (marchio registrato)
sede legale: VIA NOVARA 35 – 28010 VAPRIO D’AGOGNA (NO)
sede operativa, amministrativa e magazzino, destinazione merce: CORSO MILANO 180 – 28883 GRAVELLONA TOCE ( VB )
P.I. e C.F. 02277760035
tel. 0039 0323 869341 – Fax 0039 0323 869340