BIBÒ: design and warmth for all outdoor environments

Bibò: the “mushroom heater” you were waiting for Bibò is the outdoor heater which combines design with ecological and economic performances. Heat up your evenings with an innovative item that provides your customers with a pleasant feeling of warmth paired with warm illumination. Bibò offers some important advantages that make it a truly versatile product....

Donelli Group, your professional customs agent

Donelli Group is a customs broker dealing with international shipments and customs clearance process, in the name of and on behalf of the owner of the goods, acting as an indirect or direct representative through third registered brokers. The group was founded in 2014 from the merger of two renowned and experienced companies: Donelli srl,...

Functional design

Plust is a brand that has a high added value design vision to enrich and enhance the hotel, restaurant and catering industry. It was named PLUST, the T of the logo is an intersection and a + sign at the same time, meaning the willing to add something more to spaces: the design and the...

Essedue & Rheninghaus: slicers 100% Made in Italy

Essedue Srl has been high-quality deli-slicers manufacturer since 1986. Based in Cura Carpignano Pavia Italy, after thirty years of production, in 2016 it acquired Rheninghaus, founded in 1950 in Turin that thus became the second factory. Essedue produces professional and household slicers made of anodized or die-cast aluminum, with blades of C45 and 100CR6 steel....

YouWine, specialized in wine cellars

YouWine s.r.l. is a company specialized in developing & production and distribution of Wine cellars. With Over 15 years of experience in professional refrigeration, through Nevada® and VINUMdesign® our own trademarks, we have developed an expertise conception for any spaces and achieved remarkable production capacity, delivering unique quality and characteristics to our products. Nevada®...

Astoria - HYbrid

Top quality in the cup and user friendly workability: a combination possible thanks to HYbrid, a professional coffee machine by Astoria, that introduces a new paradigm in the world of super automatic machines. #EverybodyEverywhere is the perfect claim for this machine, as in the new video campaign launched by the brand. “Everybody” stands for the...

Areta - We make your contract furniture

Areta is an Italian company specialized in the production of high quality resin furniture for outdoor and indoor use. It has been active since over thirty years in the field of furniture and now its brand is highly recognized all over the world. Areta products are entirely made in Italy; the company takes care of...


When we think about the bar of a music club, generally the first thing that comes to our mind is a terrible mix of low quality beverage and high prices. After all, it’s clear that a bunch of young partygoers and a good cocktail, served in the right glass, with the right topping on it,...

Cibus Connects the world with Italian food companies and their areas of production

Cibus, the international exhibition of Made in Italy food, has turned into a yearly event: already at its second edition, Cibus Connect 2019 has doubled the dedicated pavilions, almost reaching the number of Cibus’ exhibitors. About 6 months before the opening of Cibus Connect 2019 (at Fiere di Parma from 10 to 11April), Italian food...

Not just drinks, barmen choose quality

“The people of the night have weird jobs…” said a famous Italian song from the ‘90s, depicting the peculiar nightlife in Milan at that time. In this context, Carlo Morandi, barman of the Milanese scene, takes his first steps behind the counters of the most important clubs in Milan, such as Hollywood, Blues House, Propaganda,...