
Welcome to , where coffee is not only our raw material, but also the strong and primitive essence that animates the art of creating the perfect coffee. In fact “a coffee” is not only a dark liquid, more or less dense or creamy, but it contains the culture of its beans, and many stories of people who collected...

La San Marco

Every day, for nearly a century, La San Marco has renewed its commitment to do the best for connoisseurs of Italian espresso. Traditional and capsule machines, doser-grinders and other professional equipment for bars, restaurants and hotels. High-quality and beautiful products, reliable and easy to use, reminding their customers every day that they made the right...

Aicon Cafè

For the first time on the italian market, with Aicon Cafè, the compostable single serve pods, coffee is coming! In our pods, you can find our renowned quality combined with a great innovation: the compostability. To take care of the environment with revolutionary products is today Aicon Cafè Mission: another step forward is done thanks...

Torrefazione la Brasiliana

Since 1948  Torrefazione La Brasiliana produces high quality coffee in  Ferrara (Italia) . Thanks to the experience of three generations, the Company selects the best raw materials to produce high quality professional blends, even at the request of its customers. Production takes place at the Ferrara factory, starting from raw coffee from certified historical suppliers,...