Design and sustainability in the world of furniture Polypropylene seating has always been unequivocally the cheapest option available on the market. However, today, Areta has taken the market’s pulse and offers a wide range of techno polymer products that represent the pinnacle of design, modernity, and functionality in furniture, with a strong focus on sustainability and innovation....

Design and sustainability in the world of furniture

Polypropylene seating has always been unequivocally the cheapest option available on the market. However, today, Areta has taken the market’s pulse and offers a wide range of techno polymer products that represent the pinnacle of design, modernity, and functionality in furniture, with a strong focus on sustainability and innovation. The turning point in the concept...

ARETA: Design and sustainability in the world of furniture

Polypropylene seating has always been unequivocally the cheapest option available on the market. However, today, Areta has taken the market’s pulse and offers a wide range of technopolymer products that represent the pinnacle of design, modernity, and functionality in furniture, with a strong focus on sustainability and innovation. The turning point in the concept of...

Revolutionize your space with Areta furniture

Areta, for over 30 years a leader in the market of 100% Made in Italy indoor/outdoor techno polymer furniture, has always stood out for the functionality, durability, and versatility of its products, consistently offering clients the ultimate comfort and design with which to stylishly furnish any type of environment. Over the years, our company has...


Areta, for over 30 years a leader in the market of 100% Made in Italy indoor/outdoor technopoly – mer furniture, has always stood out for the func – tionality, durability, and versatility of its products, consistently offering clients the ultimate comfort and design with which to stylishly furnish any type of environment.   Over the...

Indoor-outdoor furniture

For well over 30 years Areta has been a market leader for indoor and outdoor polypropylene furniture that is 100% Made in Italy. With products that have consistently distinguished themselves for their functionality, durability and versatility, Areta has always offered its customers the utmost in design and comfort so that any type of environment can...

Areta - We make your contract furniture

Areta is an Italian company specialized in the production of high quality resin furniture for outdoor and indoor use. It has been active since over thirty years in the field of furniture and now its brand is highly recognized all over the world. Areta products are entirely made in Italy; the company takes care of...