QueLLiDelNaso: fragrances for the “coffee world”

QueLLiDelNaso: fragrances for the “coffee world”

QueLLiDelNaso, one of the the leading companies in scent marketing, has developed two specific fragrances for the “coffee world”, an aromatic scent of “espresso” and an “arabic coffee” aroma.

If you have a coffee business, we seriously invite you to consider the opportunity to scent your environments and receive your customers in a very stimulant environment.

People are pleasantly “surprised” by this kind of “subliminal” reception. Most of them show the desire to drink a coffee, a cappuccino and many of them use to add a good brioche.

Don’t miss this opportunity, which will bring you two important benefits: increase the coffee sales (+ 15%, as proven by the latest sensory neuroergonomics studies) and a pleasant and welcoming environment.

If you want to know more about scent communication and learn how to use perfumes to increase the perceived valor of your environments to your customers, send us an email at the following address: commerciale@quellidelnaso.it, one of our experts will contact you to understand and satisfy all your needs.

If you want to meet us personally, come and visit us at HOST fair from 20th to 24th of October in Milan Rho Exhibition Center, at hall 9, stand R16, a welcome tribute is waiting for you!

QueLLiDelNaso, the best way to scent your world.

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