Genuit’s Solutions

Genuit’s Solutions

Are  you  thinking  about  trans- forming  your  space  into  some- thing unique and special? Exposed pipes  could  be  the  solution  for you! …and Genuit could be brand of your choice, with its elegance and  ability  to  combine  beauty and flexibility.

Genuit’s solutions can really make the difference to your space, add character and personality and, besides, are also easy to install. Exposed  electrical  systems  were introduced where, for various rea- sons, it wasn’t possible to have undersurfaces cables and pipes and perform more invasive installations. Genuit is taking it to the next lev- el  by  introducing  flexibility  and providing a combined offering across  lightening  and  electricity, with captivating design and passion for optimising the potential of every space as well as maintaining the right equilibrium between old and new.

Our partnership with Vimar and, most notably with their Eikon Series, is allowing us the integration of several different modules within our Wallbox, ranging from emergency lighting to badge modules, besides electrical sockets and illumination. Our products are all designed and produced in Italy with an eye for quality.

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