Bristot: A legacy of quality coffee

Bristot: A legacy of quality coffee

Bristot was born in 1919 in Belluno, at the foothills of the Dolomites, conceived by Domenico Bristot. His entrepreneurial spirit made him one of the pioneers in the coffee world, applying his knowledge in a land of mountain people, resilient workers who learned to coexist with the harshness of their territory.

In 1989, Bristot transformed the business into Procaffé and acquired several historical brands deeply rooted in the region: Breda, Deorsola, and Testa Rossa. Since 2000, Procaffé has been part of the international Wedl-GmbH group based in Innsbruck. The mission is to serve the best possible espresso to customers, with utmost attention to the supply chain.

The company’s buyers regularly visit coffee plantations in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia to select beans for the blends. Coffee quality is ensured through five control phases in the purchasing process.

Over time, Procaffé has established a comprehensive certification system, including ISO 9001, 45001, FSSC 22000, Organic, Rainforest, Halal, and FSC.

The roasting facility demonstrates a roasted coffee performance of around 5,000 tons per year. The core business in the Ho.Re.Ca. channel spans approximately 65 countries worldwide, accounting for 65% of the volume, showcasing a strong international presence.

In addition to Ho.Re.Ca. and Retail channels, performance extends to Vending, e-commerce, and liquid coffee for B2B.

Over the years, Procaffé has built an international network of Academies with a team of 30 trainers and a central headquarters in Belluno certified as an SCA Premier Training Campus.

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