Bio-compatible materials combined with packaging

Bio-compatible materials combined with packaging

Scatolificio  Del  Garda  means  versatility,  ability and reliability and never as in this historical moment these are decisive features for our economy and sociability. Never before has our corporate motto been realistic and centered: INSISTI ; RESISITI; RAGGIUNGI; CONQUISTI During this pandemic caused by COVID-19, SDG worked to satisfy in record time all those realities that have inevitably transformed their characteristics, starting with home delivery and takeaway and everything that comes with it. For this reason SDG has created and supplied a wide range of cardboard food boxes in different sizes for all market requirements. This  year  we  are  proving  that  our  studies and researches carried out on bio-compatible materials combined with packaging, gave results and that regular and  potential customers recognized us this ability and flexibility. The research of a raw material derived from agri-food waste to create food containers is always in progress. This sad and historic moment makes us aware of the fact that packaging must be sustainable in nature in order to avoid ecological disasters like those that occurred. It is not the environment that we have to save from man, but man from himself.

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