VENTURELLI OIL, excellence made in Italy

VENTURELLI OIL, excellence made in Italy

The adventure of  Venturelli in the world of food and wine began in 1970 with a wine produced by Grandpa Francesco in his small cellar with  grapes  from  his  old family  vineyard. Then came the Olive Oil, because living in an area such as the Valtenesi  and  Lake Garda, where the tradition of olive growing and extra virgin olive oil is centuries old, it is quite natural to think of producing and selling it.

Over the years, we have made all possible efforts to keep faith with the philosophy of eating well and healthy, following the Mediterranean tradition.

We keep on producing our products with passionate love as in the past: Mostolio Garda DOP is a top extra  virgin  olive  oil  produced  in the wonderful lands surrounding Lake Garda.

Between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, we decided to renovate  our  production  centre, welcoming visitors and expanding the Venturelli experience. +39 0365 554261 venturelli_alfrantoio

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